Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Starting somewhere

My design research begins....
The following title and question try to frame the design research interest and attention. This is likely to be refined many times over during the course of the next 34weeks.

Scarred land:
Re-designing how open-cut mines in Australia are restored for public use
What scale and type of gesture is required in a landscape to render it desirable?
This is to be tested in a case study of open-cut mines in Australia; landscape that could be considered ‘undesirable’. The degree of barrenness and scale of these pits limit the regenerative possibilities, leaving a big black hole where unimaginative solutions have been sought. 
How then can these mines relinquished?

There are three large open cut brown coal mines in the Latrobe Valley of Victoria, Australia. These all or at least one of these OC's (Open Cuts) will be my study area. Not only does the 'site' of investigation include the OC but also the overburden areas, cooling ponds, large power stations, other infrastructure and the community which supports the industry.

The 'Sublime' & the 'Picturesque' - photo collage

Punte Pita link
  Here's some precedents that I'm liking...

L’Vall de Joan Landfill, Barcelona
by Batlle & Roig Architects
Redesign of the Roman Quarry disposed Opera Festivals, St Margarethen, Austria
by AllesWirdGut Architektur

What is next?
  • Working out my research methodologies, mapping and modelling these
  • Site visit

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